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Awsome, well frist off the intro was pretty jamin, and introduced the style well. Frist off the mr Milson was very funny, and the violence was great. This flash film had some incredible style of humor and some fresh style of cut scnes and jokes. Also the main character was neat and had some nice actions scenes. Violence and blood affects were also well done. The zombie characters were very funny and the black and white style was well done.

as far as animations good smooth and some areas while in other it skipped around a bit. BAckrounds were great and color key was nice

Great humor and nice violence.


Very awsome man, well the introductionwas very well done, the aristic style was slow then started up with the great humor. Frist off the backrounds were well done, and shading and detial was great, and went well with the stars wars theme. Also voice acting was well done for yoda, and it was funny to see jar jar die. Dirk was a creative character and backround music flowed in well. Lip syncs were great, and character detail and expressions were neat. Also facial animating, and blinking was very professional.

Overall a very funny starwars film parody, with some fresh style of humor, and great animations. Alot of humor and some good music, storyline was well written, and the dark cave scene was the funniest

Funny Film great style of humor.


Well i a very symbolic movie and the message was hidden but very well done. The artistic style was unique and color tone was well done. Also the style of animation and twisted images was very artistic and music tied in well. Each scene had its own message and then tied into the meaning of this film. Backrounds were great, and sound affects were suberb. Also it was neat to see the emotions of the character and the "something on his head". This film was also very creative and written with much profession. Color key was amazing and a great style of mixing art

Overall a very meaningful flash, with some genius ideas and writing. Plot was well put across and alot of solid talent all around. neat to watch and very good stuff, it went from dark to light in emotions and played with the mind


Well done, frist off the menu screen was well done, and the black and white layout was very professional, also with the bonus features. Music was very well choosen, and went well with the dark images. Now to this artistic piece. Well the intro was incredible, the dark style of animation is very unique, and the violence and dark blood is great. Also detail was well done, and each zombie had some great features and even death needles. Also it was a nice idea to have the characters talk in silence, using the text bubbles. The storyline flowed well, and some nice zooming and pan affects.

Overall a very creepy artistic film, with some nice violence, and very dark style of art. The Zomborgs are very creative characters and indeed a creepy series.

SPLANKGY responds:

Wow! what an awesome review! thanks alot man! I'm glad you like the series!


Well its been awile since part one, but i see alot of improvement. Also the music flowed in much nicers and also some voice acting. The intro with the cars and faced past action was pretty neat, and some nice acidents and crashes. Animations were well done, and even some 3d. The story sorta was hard to follow, and skipped around alot. But the characters and plot was good. The element of the "creature" was creepy and also some nice violence.

Overall a flash with some nice characters and good violence. Voice acting needs some work, but sounds and machines were well done, and a great ending.


Well Pox ill spit it out, you got some aritistic talent for sure. Not some just some drawn stuff and some random art styles. This was very professional and, the graphics were incredible. Some people do not relize how much time art like this does take. Frist off i was amazed by your backround work, and in the intro was was very comic book like, with some nice detial. Also i liked how it was like a future draw, like in the classic cowboy films, but much more futuristic. Animations were unique, and characters were very creative. The plot was also very well put together, and flowed well with the music. Also this flash had alot of powerful images and nice camera angles. Also the zoom affects were well done. Expressions were well done, and this was master peice.

Overall some amazing backrounds, and i mean that. With some great charactgers and a duel to the end. Sound affects were nice, and yes no ones lives a circle draw.

Nice work and just keep makin this great artistic stuff.


poxpower responds:

That seems to praisy. I won't hate you if you point out that the mouths are all pixelated and twitchy. :p I'm a fair dude.

Funny part is that drawing this took me a week. Coloring too me twice that much, but that's sooooo besides the point.

I'll make a Space Shooter game with Star_Cleaver some day. I'll put that bg making skill to good use : )


O yes, the frist version was a great classic, and i could never expect a new one to come out but its here! This was a great trailer showing some of the older graphics, and some new incredible graphics. Also it was a nice idea to have the before and afer pictures, and was creative to have them play through. Graphics were very smooth and the classic bentframe audio. Bacrkounds were awsome, and alot of impressive detial and graphics. Shading and coloring was well done and the full version looks to be awsome.

Nice work and a great trailer to compare the old and new. Some impressive smooth animations and a great tune, and also graphics go well with the song and the dancing is pretty funny.


I woke up this morning and for some reason had this odd feeling you were making something new and i had this clue that it was coming. Now to the movie. This movie was amazing, the black and white animations were very well done, and it grabbed handle of the audience very well. Also the very monotone dark style was neat, and some nice zoom affects. Music went very well , and the plot to show someone to smile, and force them through all the pain, was nice to watch. Also this was to represent, how bad this world really, is and violence and pain is really all that happens. Animations were very smooth and bloody, and the torture was great. Very artistic, and there is no flash of this kind anywhere. Detail was impressive, and alot of unique talent for sure. Also the end scene was awsome, and the camera angle work was nuce, the dancing was to show an fake emotion, do to there brains being over whelmed. ALot of talent, and these are the real flashes. These are the flashes that take thought, mind power and the will to create.

Overall and incredible film, with some amazing unique style of graphics, and some happy smiles. Violence was indeed great, and a very powerful film. Genius my friend

You are very talented , hope to see more.


Well very neat indeed, lets get to the movie, well frist off the intro was very well played out, the graphic style was very unique, and lip syncs were impressive, also facial expressions and reactions were well done. Voice acting was well done, and backrounds were well drawn and went well with the artistic style. Also some nice camera angles and zoom affects. The intecne movents of characters was very impressive, and some action and great moves. Also the dark color sceme was intresting and had a nice style. Also the battle scene was nice, and swords and weapons were well drawn. Storyline was incredible, and some great action and violence

overall and incredible action packed film, with some nice weapons, and amazing graphics, and voice acting. Great Ninjas and great graphics and backrounds, all around perfect, hope for more


Well pretty awsome. i frist off really liked the outer space layout, very well done, and the into with the ship in space was neat. Now the the music vedio, well some awsome metal graphics, along with a neat chick robot, the song went very well, and the dj robot was radical. Animations were very alive, and ran very smooth. Also alot of special affects and great moving backrounds and very complex movements. In each scene there was always so much movement and coloring it was neat to watch. Graphics were incredible and had some nice lighting and shade affects. Also some humor and awsome space age stuff

overall a very well done music vedio, with some outer space jams, a neat dj and some smooth complex animations. Alot of colors flashing and some great dancing. Neat. Also camera anlges and zoom were well done.



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