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Well frist off the special affects intro was neat, and lighting use was great. The intro with Akiki Dog was very neat, and the camera angles and flashbacks were well done, and it was also funny to see him look at the past,an important element in this flash was how the scenes changed and the sounds and flashing tied in with the transitions. The bridge scene in particular was very tence, and the action was great. Facial expressions were wel animated, and even some neat 3d affects. Music use was excelent, and also some good humor violence

Overall a funny look at a dog trying to fight, but its out numbered and beatin, the humor style was good, and graphics were smooth. Also some great action and jokes.

cmq-eco10 responds:

wow... thanks for the wonderful reviw. if only those people knew the hardwork that i did.


Well a very funny music vedio indeed, it was creative to have all the star trek characters dance, and also even sing along with the lyrics. The graphic style was very intresting, and animations were well done. Also dancing flowed well with camera angles and movements, lip syncs were suberb, and also alot of neat color special affects. Humor was very funny, to see them dance and move to the music.

Overall a very funny music vedio, with a neat song and some awsome star treak graphics, alot of funny images, and the style of music vedio presentation was very professional.


Well frist off the intro was very genius to have the crayons attack the boy and kill him. Each crayon had there own scene and each were funny and also neat. The old film affects were excelent. Facail expressiobns were very well animated particually in the toaster scene. Also it was neat to have such simple color tone, but each crayon had there own color, and the gray and dark affects were good. The choice of music was very well done, and flowed with the style of classic cartoon animation, humor, and style of animation. Graphics were smooth and also some solid violence.

Overall a very neat short, with some happy killer crayons on a rampage of fun, and lots of humor. The blue crayon was very funny to see him melt, and it was creative to have them battle the other props in the house. The old cartoon style was very much great, and some good violene also.


Frist off the close up of the face was very artistic, the needles grabbing at the eyes, and the large syringe poking towards the eye was very well animated, and the eye movements were very smooth and fluid. Alot of random dark images, and how the title fits so well with this film is amazing, showing how bad realirt really is, and the terror and hate it holds. The devil scene in particular was very dark, and blood, the flashing images added a great violent affect, and the blood and cutting affects were very well animated. Also this flash was very twisted in a great way, and a very intresting style of scare violence, and music use was just excelent

Artwork was very well done, and animations were radical, also some nice camera work, and the special affects and programming was well done. The out raging images were very powerful, and a bloody violence flash, full of blood humor and some neat images.


Frist off intro, well intro was well done, the rain affect added a great touch, and music use was unique. The factory with the workers was very intresting and animations were doll like. Also a neat element in this flash, was the cranks and the machines, coming alive, and the mas prof evil plan. The female character was a nice way to have it flow in with this music vedio, and the special affects playing at the same time , with the vedio work was excelent. As for backrounds very simple and lacked detail, but went well with the setting and current moments and characters. The theme to have workers cramed all away was very dark, but then ended a great funny way.

Overall a very odd music vedio, with some great mixing of flash,vedio, and some dancing, animations were simple, but the use of color flashing and fast paced images were well done.

Creative Humor

Well frist off the film narration voice was very well done, and the classic use of music went very well with the plot. Now to the animation, well frist off some awsome graphics, and very funny facial expressions, with a cartoon style of humor. It was funny to see the kid choke, and the mothers scream was very funny. As for storyline very well done and it was a unique idea to have it be like a commercial and at the same time make fun of of desperate , or bad the fast food is. Animations were very smooth, and graphics were well detailed, also backround were great, and color key was suberb

Overall a very funny short, with some wacky smooth cartoon animations, great facial detail, and funny sounds and screams, plot was short, but the theme was well put across. The style of humor was creative and an explosive ending!!


Frist off the intro of this film was very professional, and the special affects were neat, the backrounds 3d artwork was very impressive, and the mellow color tone affects were very icredible. Also the characters in this film, were very unique, and the faceless detail was very artistic, also a neat element in this flash was the use of music, music flowed very well with the animations, from the action, violence and the fight to escaps. Some amazing graphics, and the 3d work was just excelent, also there was some great use of lighting, and the special affects on lighting and shading were great, backrounds were very alive, and again the use of 3d graphics was great. The footless and handless characters were a creative touch to the film, and fun to see them escape

Overall a very impressive film, with some fresh style of 3d graphics, along with very smooth animations and great action. Alot of great use of special affects and the camera work and angles were suberb, and this movies feel was tence and the storyline was solid.

Great work of facial zoom ups, and each animations was very alive and flowed well with the moving backrounds.

Creative start to End.

Frist off the intro was very neat, with the night city, and the graveyard and creepy wind sound affects, the ghost attacking the woman was very funny, and facial expressions were well animated. Character in this film were very unique, and the pencil style of art was very well done, also it was a neat idea to show how a ghost can start a realationship, and a meeting of two people. As for storyline very impressive, the genius plot was very well played, and the intro scene tied in well with the rest of the movie, and was great to see it all happen again. Also it was great to have such fresh style of humor, along with some great backrounds, color detial was well done, and shading was excelent, also some nice lighting affects. Sound affects were simple, but flowed well with animations.

Overall a neat short, showing a creative way how a long life of love can start all by one ghost. Each scene was very explanational, and it was neat to see them grow up and show the life of us humans. The ending will leave you thinking whats around the corner!

Great storyline, and an impressive flowing short plot

Great Violence

Frist off the intro with, the buildings and props bouncing was very funny, and also the sounds was a funny touch to get the animation started. Now to the movie, well frsit off an incredible element in this flash was sound affects. Sound affects were amazing, and also of impressive quality, each weapon/machine, and other noises were very well timed with the animations, and also the characters screams and yells added the extra violent touch, as for stick animations very smooth, and also some great action and special attack moves. The classic battle feild blowing up and being destructible, was indeed very cool, and it was also funny. Also a very creative element in this flash, was how the backround was so alive, and from start to end, the 3d affects, and flying objects were solid

Overall an action packed stick film, with the classic battle field, blowing up of cars, and even the backround took a beating!, very full of animation, and at no point was it dull or slow, fast paced humor and great violence!


A very intresting look into the god father, frist off the intro was very well done, and the black and white images were well drawn. Now to the movie, graphics where very unique, the detial was pain brush like and character detail was excelent. An intresting element in this flash was the camera angles work, and also zooms and emotions were well animated and went well with the words and hand gestures were great, added alot of liveness to the flash, as for plot very well done, the god father explaining the error of the man, and what could now happen. The black and white scene was very powerful, and the pain prush graphics were very unique, and music added a perfect affect. Also it was neat to see the backrounds change so much in variety, and there also was some good violence. Lip syncs were very professional, and facail expressions were perfect

Overall a very unique film, with some radical style of graphics, and character detail was very well done, and the paint brush affects were suberb, and backrounds were gnarly and had a neat artistic style, a very powerful and strong ending.

AloneInTheDark responds:

Thanks alot for a very good review. Im glad that u noticed this movie is more than just script and voice and that you paid attention to all the small details.



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